Outside of CA and Italy for school, I've spent my entire life here in the Valley, and at this point I'm pretty used to the heat. I actually enjoy it from time to time. Sick, I know. However, there are days, maybe a dozen or so a year, that are just ridiculous hot. Today was one of those days. I mean STUPID hot. Why Jeffe, Chris, Mark and I chose to go spend our entire afternoon in the sunny, 115-with-humidity, I don't really know. But it probably has something to do with golf being one of the best things ever invented... Unlike crocs (absolutely awful). And twitter (certain lucky people get a free pass). Anyways, around 8:47pm tonight, and by around 8:47pm I mean precisely at 8:47pm, it was still 109 degrees. Yep. And now at nearly 1am, you ask? Oh you know, just 101. But the humidity is down to 23%! Woo!
I know who you're referring too!!!!